Using Photo Shop you can fix your picture SO easily! I love it!! (Especially because I'm still trying to figure out all these different features on my camera!)
1st duplicate the background then switch the blend mode on the dublicated layer to screen then adjust opacity until its how you want it and you're done.
For overexposed pics instead of switching the blend mode to screen you switch the blend mode to multiply.
If after doing 1 additional layer its still over or under exposed you can add more layers until its the look you want.

So Photoshop is a good investment, huh? The last time I tried installing a photo program on my computer I didn't have good luck - BUT, it was a cheap program (wanted to try before spending the $$ on Photoshop) and I put it on my Mac - it ended up causing it to crash! So I've been a little hesitant to install anything else and have just used the Microsoft Office Picture Manager that came with my (new) computer.
Try downloading the free trial of Photoshop and you'll be sold on it! I love it!! I can fix pictures, I can make a collage (the way I want!) and do all sorts of stuff that I'm still learning everything!
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